my music video will be a girl who is struggling with school, she doesn't find herself attractive anymore because of her scars, Every other day someone brings her down she make fun out of her and make silly jokes about her scars. The whole point behind this music video is about embracing yourself and finally coming to that conclusion where you feel love and can love yourself. It is a friendly reminder That people are beautiful no matter what. Treatment: In my music video it'll be about a a girl who is struggling with school, she doesn't find herself attractive anymore because of her scars, Every other day someone brings her down she make fun out of her and make silly jokes about her scars. The whole point behind this music video is about embracing yourself and finally coming to that conclusion where you feel love and can love yourself. It is a friendly reminder That people are beautiful no matter what. Casting: i will have 3 different people in my music vid...
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