December mock exams: Learner response

 Paper 1

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

WWW: there is potential here in how much you are writing and the unseen question. with more knowledge and exam techniques you will see rapid progress 

EBI: revise the CSPs + terminology : for basic errors.
read and focus on question 

2) Use the mark scheme for this Paper 1 mock to read the answers AQA were looking for. Look specifically for the indicative content in the mark scheme - these are the suggested answers from AQA. Did you get any key media terminology wrong in this paper?


3) Next, write down three points from the mark scheme you could have made for Q2 - the unseen analysis question.

  • Basic analysis of the product only focusing on the more straight forwards aspects of how media language is used in a descriptive way.
  • Some satisfactory analysis of the product that engages with obvious or more straightforward aspects of how media languages used.
  • Mostly appropriate and effective use of subject specific terminology.
  • Excellent analysis of the product that is detailed and critically engages with the nuanced aspects of how media language is used.
4) Pick out two points from Q3 on Heat magazine that you could have added to your answer. 

  • Title/masthead: Title is white text all lower case but using a serif font. Creates a range of possible meanings – the title suggests the magazine offers the hottest gossip and celebrity news but the serif font also connotes class and style.
  •  Images: Heat has a range of different images in keeping with their house style and the conventions of a gossip magazine. The sheer number of images suggests the magazine is packed with celebrity gossip and worth the audience spending their

5) Finally, focus on Q5 - the 20 mark essay on music video. Write a new essay plan for this question based on the answers in the mark scheme. Aim for an introduction, three main paragraphs and a conclusion.   

BLACKPINK is a manufactured band created by a media production company to make money from a mainstream audience. These kinds of band are not usually renowned for musicianship or authenticity.
• the video has a number of sequences designed to show their personalities rather than their musical ability. Indeed, BLACKPINK have been put together to be visually appealing to the target audience and the video is sequenced in such a way to give each member a section (including their own mise-en-scene - setting, costume, dance routine etc.)

• The Arctic Monkeys video deliberately manufactures an authenticity that plays on
how they became famous: “Don’t believe the hype”.

• The 1980s TV style is no less produced or manufactured than BLACKPINK but the
simple nature of the performance video hides this.

• For the rock/indie genre, authenticity is the key selling point so Arctic Monkeys play
up to this in the music video.


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